Welcome to CSI KOREA 2024!
We invite you to 「CSI KOREA 2024 (The 10th International CSI Conference)」 the largest forensic science conference in Korea.
This conference will be held 'online and offline' from October 23rd(WED) to 25th(FRI) at Songdo Convensia in Incheon. The theme of this year is "Forensic Science, The Meeting of HI and AI: Navigating Expectations and Threats".
The 2024 International CSI Conference, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, is a place for sharing knowledge where korean and international scholars, researchers, and experts from related organizations gather to discuss the latest research techniques and trends in forensic science. In particular, it is expected to be a meaningful conference where many prominent experts, field investigators, and those interested in forensic science will participate and share in-depth opinions on future issues in forensic science.
We look forward to seeing you in 「CSI KOREA 2024」.
Welcom to CSI KOREA
If you want to participate in CSI KOREA 2024, please press button below to register page.
After the registration period, an invitation message will be sent to your E-mail.
[Group Registration]
If you want to register as a group with more than 20 people, please send an email to the CSI KOREA Secretariat.
Email Address : csikoreaconference@gmail.com
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